Friday, April 1, 2011

Mercedes Benz sculpture Aesthetic 125

To celebrate its 125th birthday, Daimler Benz unveiled a very artistic sculpture called the Aesthetics 125 that delivers the message that cars are not just soul-less machines but it gives riders enormous joy. It is called Aesthetics because of the philosophy that the Mercedes Benz design is an art.

The 125th anniversary is the start of a new era for Mercedes Benz. The Aesthetics 125 is actually a sample or a preview of the company’s future design language, a future in which they are rapidly growing greener and moving fast towards electric cars.

The model was made by the Mercedes designers using the innovative rapid-prototyping technology which enables digital data to be transferred directly to a design object. The technology works with various materials and applies them in fine layers so that no waste material is produced when a sculpture is created. Aesthetics 125' is designed to preview the future styling language of Mercedes-Benz. It combines elements of an automobile's interior and exterior by means of sweeping almost soaring shape transitions.

To compliment the sculpture and provide additional celebration for the anniversary, Mercedes-Benz is also going on a 125 day world tour to show off their fuel-cell powered vehicles. The Aesthetics 125 shows the level of technological sophistication available today while hinting at the design language of tomorrow.

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